What's in my head

This is the home of your average girl in her early 30s making her way in the big city...Not really. I have thoughts. Now I have somewhere to put them.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Row, row, row the boat

It's not quite as exciting as hang gliding or even hot air ballooning but I'd been wanting to try it for two years so this week I started a learn-to-row program. At the first class I learned rowing looks a lot easier on TV than it really us...and that was before they even let us in a boat (only dock side rowing for night one). Feeling oh so not confident, us newbies were set free on the open water tonight (picturesque Lake Scugog). As we made our way out into the lake I couldn't help noticing I sucked. I just couldn't get into the rhythm...at one point I was actually singled out for my poor 'rowing.' But after some personalized instruction I was doing soooo much better and then it was fun...hardwork but still fun.

I must remember next time to keep my socks on...damn the mosquitoes, my feet are itchy. They must be attracted to all the goose poop around the lake...


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